2020 5th Annual Fall Industry Event
November 10, 2020
Panel Topics and Panelists
Research and Development (R&D): Research and development activities that companies undertake are focused on innovating and introducing new products and services. Chemical engineers in R&D play a significant role in many industries from oil & gas to pharmaceuticals

Elisa Harrison, Ph.D.
Research Scientist

Kimberlee Sing, B.S.
Senior Research Associate
Bristol Myers Squibb

Monica Esopi, Ph.D.
Sr Engineer of Tech. & Dev.
Environmental Engineering: Chemical engineers in this role work to develop solutions to environmental problems which can include improving recycling, waste disposal, public health, and water and air pollution control. These individuals also study the effect of technological advances on the environment, addressing local and worldwide environmental issues

Greg Gervais, B.S.
Acting Deputy Director
Environmental Protection Agency

Emily Jones, M.S.
Environmental Engineering
Floyd Snider

Sarah Vorpahl, Ph.D.
Senior Energy Policy Specialist WA Department of Commerce

Corporate Role: Many chemical engineers become well-versed in legal skills related to patents, intellectual property and policy, or business skills such as finance, human resources, accounting, project management, and quality control, and can take on these roles within their industry or organization.

Karen Fleckner, B.S.
Artesion/Nu Element
Marcia Kelbon, J.D.
Legal Consultant
Omeros Corporation
Tina Tosukhowong, Ph.D.
Sr Director Corporate
Venture Capital
GC International Corp.
Jacob Wolf, Ph.D.
Director of Finance
Caffe Lusso Coffee Roasters
Project Management: Chemical engineers frequently serve in project management roles in many industries, where they oversee a team of people to guide initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and closing of a project. Project managers are responsible for making sure projects are completed within time and on budget, with high quality.

Kristan Soto, B.S.
Env. Health & Safety Director

Beth Weed, M.Eng
Process / Application Engineer
W.L Gore and Associates

Diane Williams-Servant, B.S.
Project Manager
Central Garden & Pet
Workshop Topics
Identifying mentors and community/building networks: with topic areas on informal and formal mentorship, defining mentoring relationships, finding mentors within your professional community, finding
mentors in an area that is a growth opportunity
Social justice in an industry setting: with topic areas on how to approach your company about social and racial
justice issues, having difficult conversations in the workplace, and equity vs. equality
Financial planning: with topic areas including how to create a realistic budget and savings plan, assess your current financial health, develop a plan to achieve financial independence/retirement, quickly calculate the real cost of financing a large purchase
Thank you to our sponsors!

Jade Hudson